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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'll be your plastic toy, I'll be your plastic toy...

On weheartit

Once again, the world seems to be conspiring against my nervous system and once again I forget that at some points in life, it's better to just let go and stop trying to make sense of everything because human behavior is not governed by some sort of immutable equation...
I know I tend to over-analyze situations, and that I am a bit quick to take the blame looking for the slightest opportunity to take full reponsibility of some of life mishaps, but that's just part of who I am and I've come to realize so far that there's nothing I could do about it...

I might be touchy and overly sensitive at times, I can be impulsive, blunt and whimsical living inside my head quite a lot, forgetting about teachings and preachings and losing track of expectations but I'll keep on growing by my own standards, they're the only ones I put for myself and the only ones I'll mind living up to...and this is no illusion to growing up, I read somewhere that we grow in all directions not just up and I found this rather reassuring!
I've been asking myself this: Beyond intellectual stimulation and mutual bewilderment, what is there to blame onself for? (kind of twisted I know!)

PS: This is my 100th post, I know I should've made it somewhat different than the others but this is all I can come up with for the time being. Happy 100th post dear blog!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Like everytime I see a movie and fall in love with the soundtrack, here's a song I've been absolutely waiting to put on here ever since I heard it, plus I found a video of the song with scenes that capture the essence of the movie, it's more like a sumary of it with the music in the background making the story flow on so beautifully.

My Bloody Valentine-Sometimes ( A little bit noisy but incontestably melodious :))