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Thursday, February 18, 2010


To those who still care dropping by and checking updates, I'm sorry I've been off for quite some time now, it's just that I haven't had anything good to say. My mental lethargy is not over yet, so I thought It'd just be better sharing this extract with you:

" Sometimes you dream strange dreams, impossible and unnatural; you wake up and remember them clearly, and are surprised at a strange fact: you remember first of all that the reason did not abandon you during the whole course of your dream; you even remember that you acted extremely cleverly and logically for that whole long, long time when you were surrounded by murderers, when they were being clever with you, concealed their intentions, treated you in a friendly way, though they had already had their weapons ready and were only waiting for some sort of sign; you remember how cleverly you finally deceived them, hid from them; then you realize that they know your whole decepton by heart and merely do not show you that they know where you are hiding; but you are clever and deceive them again-all that you remember is absurdities and impossibilities, with which, among other things, your dream was filled.

[...]Why, on awakening from your dream and entering full into reality, do you feel almost every time and occasionnally with an extraordinary force of impression, that along with the dream you are leaving behind something you have failed to fathom? You smile at the absurdity of your dream and feel at the same time that the tissue of those absurdities contains some thought, but a thought that is real, something that belongs to your true life, something that exists and has always existed in your heart; it is as if your dream has told you something new, prophetic, awaited; yourimpression is strong, it is joyful or tormenting, but what it is and what has been told you-All that you can neither comprenhend nor recall".

"The Idiot"- Fyodor Dostoevsky

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Second guessing...leads nowhere

"I've done the math enough to know the dangers of our second guessing"


Reading frenzy

My current state is one of reading frenzy...or shall I say "selective reading" frenzy. I'm ready to read everything provided they're not things I HAVE to read!
My eyes ache from continous staring at the screen, (those goddmaned e-books are really killing my sight) but I'm so high on my new findings... I'm switching from one book to another, wanting to swallow every word, every line that I'm reading (I wish I could feel the same about matters in my studies)...and as weird as it may seem it is just a kind of going so head over heels with words that I become tempted to put down some myself, write something...anything, just to give myself the illusion that I too am capable of this kind of beautiful creation, mine may certainly not be as beautiful but I always get this writing impulse after reading, like being it a part of an equilibrium i chose to believe in, that of "the pleasure of words":I get it from reading then I should try to restore some of what I took throug writing. Believe me if everyone starts to see reading and writing as parts of this process, humanity would never lack of good stuff to read :)

Thursday, February 04, 2010

I am vertical....

But I'd rather be horizontal
I am not a tree with my root in the soil
Sucking up minerals and motherly love
So that each March I may gleam into leaf,
Nor am I the beauty of a garden bed
Attracting my share of Ahs and spectacularly painted,
Unknowing I must soon unpetal
Compared with me, a tree is immortal
And a flower-head not tall, but more stratling,
And I want the one's longevity and the other's daring.

Tonight, in the infinitesmallight of the stars,
The trees and the flowers have been strewing their cool odors.
I walk among them, but none of them are noticing
Sometimes I think that when I am sleeping
I must most perfectly resemble them
Thoughts gone dim
It is more natural to me lying down
Then the sky and I are in open conversation
And I shall be useful when I lie down finally
Then the trees may touch me for once, and the flowers have time for me.

I am vertical -Sylvia Plath-

I like this Sylvia Plath's poem, it is simply genuinely beautiful.
It radiates with a kind of serenity while having something poignant about it, that makes you feel the intensity of every line and word, words that are just so beautifully put together by the poetess!
I don't know what it is exactly supposed to be about, but having read about Sylvia Plath's life, I think there is an obvious referrence to death in the last line as she herself commited suicide.
However, I like the poetess' she associated the postion of lying down with a whole mental perception, that can tell more about one's personality. And how she precisely wants to detach herself from her "conventional" vertical position as a human, shows that there's something more about the vertical position itself that she wants to make herself get rid of!