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Friday, December 12, 2008

What was wrong?

When being prompted to make decisions that could permanently alter the course of our life, we all want to make sure that the choice we're about to do is making the most of every kind of effort we're putting in , we start foresseing risks we may probably encounter and identifiying ways of getting ourselves out. Definetly, we all try in some way to make our actions justified and our steps measured BUT following what?: A logical intuiton?!
I'll call it so, when logic can still turn out to be misleading and when intuition cannot be fully trusted. Here, a right intermediary dosage between logic and intuition is to be found!
I don't know if i have ever found this middle point I always do settle for myself, and even if I did, nothing was ever there to assure me that it has worked effectively.The only thing I do know for sure is that there are many things I wish I could just go back on and find what was wrong or just didn't work about them so that I'd avoid it on later times: Was is it my intuition that overtook logic in actions ,was I just too hard on myself that my own instinct eventually took revenge on me, or are there other things that got involved that I can never get to know?
But when everything seems to go well and that it suddenly all turn out to be an illusion, there is nothing more dreadful than ignoring what is this precise thing that brought it all down.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Writing impulse!

I wish I could update my blog more oftenly that I've been doing it so far.
In fact, It occurs to me as i'm going through some of my everyday activities, to get some -on spur of the moment -ideas quite surprisingly so much that most most of what seems commonplace for me as being dealt with on a daily base, takes new meanings for me and becomes some unexpectable source of inspiration.
I have to admit that it is my tendency to feel things intensively that bring about such attiude and i don't know whether i should feel blessed or misfortunate for this, for extreme sensibility automatically brings on its way more vulnerability and i've grown quite sure of this recently.
Anyhow, i think that whatever may be my reasons for writing they can't be but an effective way to pour out my soul, whether they were brought about by positive or negative impulses.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Why am I here?!

Today, I came across an article dealing with questions such as the meaning of existence, the purpose of life and others all ranking at a first sight under this category of endless existencial philosophical questions, namely the one that most caught my attention and got me mulling over it long: "Why am I here"?
In an attempt to find an answer for it, the one most of us would take for granted and that immediately came to my mind is the religious interpretation. It is a -ready to be taken-answer, I do personnaly adhere to as an everlasting truth. Contrarily to some misconceptions; this one doesn't prevent us from finding everyday other reasons for our life lying in every simple aspect of it. Everyday we can add some new meaning to it, by taking actions that would let us feel irrepleacble where we've been placed. Everyone of us wants to have a life he's wished and made for himself, and this wouldn't be possible unless he makes some difference in other people's life.