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Saturday, July 07, 2012

Post-Grad's Nostalgia

"It's officially over..." as my friend and classmate Sara puts it.
I'll miss you good old school days, I know I'll grow very nostalgic of you just as I know that this is a normal and somewhat inevitable outcome of one of life's most important stages, and that is now time to tackle the upcoming ones...

Sunday, June 24, 2012


My heart is sore from a what I read today in a diary that I found on the street, I'd spare you the details of this sad and weird encounter but reading through its pages conforted my long-standing conviction, that (highly) sensitive, self-aware, ,scrupulous, with-strong-self esteem people don't have any place in this society of ours. People judge too early and would never let go of their preconceptions, and this hurts A LOT!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

We are boys and girls...of the new world treading young

 Here are some pictures that I've taken throughout the week without having been able to process them before yesterday.
I've got to say that seing beautiful photos sets on Flickr and similar sites always stir up a photography nerve in me. I admit ( It's quite obvisous) that my work isn't half as beautiful, but I hope I'd be able to do better on future occasions.
This site (here) helped me with achieving the "retro "effect I so like in photos; the one with scratches (picture in the upper right) is of a particular appeal to me.
That said, I have the stringent urge to buy a professionnal camera, although I'm not sure I can handle the tool properly being a hobbyist.

Monday, March 26, 2012

"She doesn't much that I thought she might have trouble with the staff members

 This post is rage-induced utter nonsense

why can't people just leave you in peace!
They ask you to sociabilize when you least feel like it
...well I've got nothing to say, nothing to ask
Mute is my by default setting
So F*** OFF!!!
Earlier this day (on my diary):
- Faire le tour des bureaux le matin pour saluer les gens est à mes yeux un supplice plus insoutenable que les douze travaux d'Hercule réunis; mais je le fais comme même...convenance sociale (hypocrito-sociale) exige!
-  Ce nouveau recrue auquel je tends la main pour le saluer et qui me tend le bout de ses doigts en contrepartie comme si j'étais atteinte d'une maladie manuellement transmissible.
- Le monsieur derrière moi incarnant la joie de vivre, d'une gaieté rare frôlant la naïveté. Souriant, bavard et multi-relationnel me fait sentir socialement anxieuse!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Today I cried, something I never thought I would do
Though it makes me happy to know, that I'm not a sadist like you

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

After all this time

 on flickr

Please understand that I'm not that "mean-spirited"
I'm just being realistic because this is what I've always known myself to be
This is probably by far my most cherished virtue
the only trait of my personality I'd always take pride on
and I just can't let go of it
not for anything
not for anyone
and obvisously not for now
...and for now I'm craving a new book