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Saturday, December 06, 2008

Why am I here?!

Today, I came across an article dealing with questions such as the meaning of existence, the purpose of life and others all ranking at a first sight under this category of endless existencial philosophical questions, namely the one that most caught my attention and got me mulling over it long: "Why am I here"?
In an attempt to find an answer for it, the one most of us would take for granted and that immediately came to my mind is the religious interpretation. It is a -ready to be taken-answer, I do personnaly adhere to as an everlasting truth. Contrarily to some misconceptions; this one doesn't prevent us from finding everyday other reasons for our life lying in every simple aspect of it. Everyday we can add some new meaning to it, by taking actions that would let us feel irrepleacble where we've been placed. Everyone of us wants to have a life he's wished and made for himself, and this wouldn't be possible unless he makes some difference in other people's life.

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