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Friday, August 06, 2010

I'm sure I used to be so free...

Sometimes words hold onto your mind, so magical and sparkling words in thick ink. They could have been there for as long as you remember, laying in the folds of some book on your dusty shelf, but they always went unnoticed, overlooked words that could never work their way into your brain.
One day, however, it suddenly occurs to you to reach out and grab that very book you once deemed dull and brain-numbing; you start flicking hastily through the first pages, when by some astounding contingencies, you stumble upon one of those sentences that seem to hit too close to home for you, a sentence that captures all your emotions at the moment; as if words has been devoid of any form of "polysematicism" and were set on deciphering your thoughts.
You just stand there bewildered, enraptured before their capacity to dig deep into the your mind and draw so accurately what's on it: Your thoughts have been entangled for you, your emotions "unblurred" and the gears of your brain oiled so much you could almost feel them spinning smoothly inside your skull.

...Tonight my mind is unusually clear

I'm falling in love with words again, it is as if I'm reading each one of them for the first time.
I'm feeling like a newborn, willing to embrace a new outlook on life and go through all that it has to offer with a cleansed spirit and a regenerated hope. As with words, I want to discover a new meaning to existence and believe that everything will someday, somehow start to make sense.
I'm not expecting to squeeze anything extraordinary out of this world, nor am I waiting for a fairy godmother to come and turn the pumpkin into a glossy golden coach: there will always be more aspects to life than one can ever wrap his head around, and to claim total mastery over its twists and turns would be sheer nuttiness; I only want to hold onto hopes and believe in brighter days ahead without having my practicality overshadowed in the process and I don't think life as cruel as to begrudge me my right to dream .

For one moment
I wish you'd hold your stage
With no feelings at all
Open minded
I'm sure I used to be so free...
There's this one Muse song I've been OBSESSED with for almost a week now. I can listen to it for eight times in a row, and feel it everytime pulling a string in my heart.
I love its well combined shifts and how it has a bit too quick start to it but flows out to a a really nice piano section in the end.
Here it is everyone, plug in your headphones and enjoy!!
* The title of this post is inspired by the song lyrics.


Here I scribble said...

hey, thanks for stopping by my blog... :)

Myriam said...

You're very welcome :)