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Sunday, January 04, 2009

Not this time!

So here I am...stuck at home again, trying to make make myself ready for a whole week exams I'm actually far from being able to get ready for...
I don't know how many weekends I've consecutively been spending here at home, but I guess it's been quite a long time since I've last went out doing some saturday shopping or been to my grandma's home for which I feel an outburst of deep yearning like never before ! It's not that I've always had something precise to do on these days, but on times, I just didn't feel like going anywhere, it's a kind of inner emptiness that no human contact seem to be able to fill.
But now that I need to gather all my forces and will to work, I feel I'm eager to some people company so much that I can't get to focus on anything that I'm doing. I perfectly know that it's not an appropriate time for holding such a feeling, but I just can't help it!

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