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Saturday, November 21, 2009

I don't know how I feel at this precise moment.
I don't know how I've even made up my mind to come and write in here, my mind is blank and my thoughts are extremely confused.
I feel different things at a time, I'm tired but I can't go to sleep, I'm anxious without my being able to know why, I'm bored and my fingers are swollen, though quite prematurely this year since winter hasn't started yet.
I went to see my friends after class with a sore throat and a heart swollen with joy! I hadn't seen them in more than a month.
I was crazy excited, and spent the whole afternoon chatting and laughing so much that I compeletely lost my -already having started to get hoarse -voice.
I felt joy and euphoria in an afternoon more than I could've felt in months and bursted into tears on my way back home!
PS: I'm getting extremely unproductive, and can't settle myself down to work. Damn my laziness!!

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