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Wednesday, November 04, 2009

The steamroller is on!

Yesterday, a friend of mine told me that some really weird things have been going on with her lately! Things she never tought she'd go through in a small period of time, and that would've taken much more time to happen in the standard conformity of events!
Actually, what she said hit really close to home for me. As if she managed to put in words what has been at the heart of many of my concerns, and that i've been trying to get over without my even even being able to know what it's about!
Because it is strange how everything conspires to make you feel weird on times, like events scrolling so fast on the screen of your life that you can't seem to be able to relate to them. So you just let them slip by, go their own way (that is yours too), while trying deep inside you to understand their course, react to them, do anything to make sure that it's YOU that they're being happening to.
But the steamroller is on and won't wait for you to catch up!

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